[TUPTIM, spoken]
Your Majesty and honorable guests, I beg to put before you "Small House of Uncle Thomas."
Small house of Uncle Thomas
Small house of Uncle Thomas
Written by a woman
Harriet Beecher Stowa
[TUPTIM, spoken]
House is in Kingdom of Kentucky, ruled by most wicked king in all America, Simon of Legree. Your Majesty, I beg to put before you loving friends...
Uncle Thomas
Dear old Uncle Thomas
Little Eva
Blessed little Eva
Little Topsy
Mischief-maker, Topsy
Happy people
Very happy people
Happy people
Happy people
Your Majesty, I beg to put before you one who is not happy, the slave, Eliza.
Poor Eliza
Poor Eliza
Poor unfortunate slave
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Eliza's Lord and master, King Simon of Legree. She hates her Lord and master and fears him. This king has sold her lover to far away province of Oheeo. Lover's name is George.
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Baby in her arms is also called George.
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Eliza say she run away and look for lover George.
[TUPTIM, spoken]
So she bid goodbye to friends and start on her escape.
Run, Eliza
Run, Eliza
Run from Simon
Poor Eliza running
And run into a rainstorm
Comes a mountain
Climb, Eliza
Hide, Eliza
Hide from Simon
Hide in forest
Poor Eliza
Poor Eliza
Poor Eliza
Poor Eliza
Poor Eliza
Poor Eliza
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Eliza very tired. Your Majesty, I regret to put before you King Simon of Legree. Because one slave has run away, Simon beating every slave. Simon clever man. He decide to hunt Eliza, not only with soldiers, but with scientific dogs who sniff and smell, and thereby discover all who run from king.
Run, Eliza, run
Run, Eliza, run
Run from Simon, run
Run, Eliza
Run, run
Run from Simon
Run, run
Poor Eliza
Run from Simon
Eliza, run
Eliza, run from Simon, run
Eliza, run
Poor Eliza
Eliza, run from Simon, run
Run, Eliza
Run from Simon
Run, Eliza
Run from Simon
Run, Eliza
Run, run
Eliza come to river
Eliza come to river
Poor Eliza
Who can save her?
Only Buddha
Save her, Buddha, save her
What will Buddha do?
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Buddha make a miracle! Buddha send an angel down. Angel make the wind blow cold. Make the river water hard, hard enough to walk upon.
[Chorus, spoken]
Buddha make a miracle!
Praise to Buddha
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Angel show her how to walk on frozen water. Now, as a token of his love, Buddha make a new miracle.
Praise to Buddha
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Send from Heaven stars and blossoms.
Look like lace upon the sky. [2ND SOLO]
Praise to Buddha
Praise to Buddha
Praise to Buddha
Praise to Buddha
Praise to Buddha
[TUPTIM, spoken]
So Eliza cross river, hidden by this veil of lace. Forgot to tell you name of miracle: snow.
Of a sudden she can see
Wicked Simon of Legree
Sliding 'cross the river fast
With his bloodhounds and his slaves
What has happened to the river? What has happened to the river? Buddha has called out the sun!
[TUPTIM & Chorus]
Buddha has called out the sun
Sun has made the water soft
Wicked Simon and his slaves
Fall in river and are drowned
[TUPTIM, spoken]
On other side of river is pretty city, Canada, where Eliza sees lovely small house. Guess who live in house?
Uncle Thomas
Dear old Uncle Thomas
Little Eva
Blessed little Eva
Little Topsy
Mischief-maker, Topsy
Lover George
Faithful lover George
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Who is looking like angel to Eliza. They have all escaped from wicked Simon and make happy reunion. Topsy glad that Simon die, Topsy dance for joy. I tell you what Harriet Beecher Stowa say that Topsy say: "I specks I'se de wickedest critter in de world!" But I do not believe Topsy is wicked critter. Because I too am glad for death of king. Of any king who pursues a slave who is unhappy and wish to join her lover. And, Your Majesty, I wish to say to you... Your Majesty and honorable guests... I will tell you end of story. Is very sad ending. Buddha has saved Eliza. But with the blessings of Buddha also comes sacrifice.
Poor little Eva
Poor little Eva
Poor unfortunate child
[TUPTIM, spoken]
Is Buddha's wish that Eva come to him and thank him personally for saving of Eliza and baby. And so she die and go to arms of Buddha. [Chorus]
Poor little Eva
Poor little Eva
Poor unfortunate child
Praise to Buddha
Praise to Buddha