Forever leading out to where you are
Watching through the window of the car
Sitting with the engine on, the light is pouring out
Everybody's looking for ten dollars on the ground
There's a fading in and then a fading out
God's food is being spit out of his mouth
Then left to starve there, infinitely drained
No longer formed, but still not gone away
Chasing the desire when the vacancy has grown
Cannot move it back to when you claimed you didn't know
They're looking for ten dollars on the ground
God's food is being chewed up in the clouds
Left to wait for answers and then burned away like trash
Turning from the flame into the cinder to the ash
Moving in the space above you now
Reflected in the puddles on the ground
Tracing electricity from powerline to pole
Focusing the energy that comes out of the holes
There's a fading in and then a fading out
Gods food is being spit out of his mouth
Left to wait for answers and then burned away like trash
Turning from the flame into the cinder to the ash