Well, I, knew a lass. She spent all, her time a sowing. Seeds of Malcontent, where they fell they went to growing
Chorus- Could it be, she had discovered, could it be just a lie, lie, lie. Could it be, she had uncovered all those mysteries, she kept inside
Well, she, loved a lad. He spent all, his time a rowing. Michael’s boat ashore, while his, boat was a towing
Chorus- Could it be, he had discovеred, could it be just a lie, liе, lie. Could it be, he had uncovered all those mysteries, he kept inside
Well, they, sailed out. Into, that stormy water. And the rain, it come down, and they both, fell to praying
Chorus- Could it be, they had discovered, could it be just a lie, lie, lie. Could it be, they had uncovered all those mysteries, they kept inside