What do you do when the fightin's not done
But you’re already home and there's nowhere to run
Do you stand alone until you fade away
Or get some help to keep your demons at bay
Thank you for your sacrifice - hey buddy where'd you serve
They let girls in the army - same stuff I’m sure you've heard
Some want to hear a story - some just want to show they care
But most run out of questions when you get that far off stare
What do you do when the fightin's not done
But you're alrеady home and there's nowhеre to run
Do you stand alone until you fade away
Or get some help to keep your demons at bay
Our country gets a discount cause how can you put a wage
On fighting for our freedom when you end up in a cage
The bullets they stop flying but it's so hard to pretend
You don't still see them dying when your deployment ends
What do you do when the fightin's not done
But you’re already home and there’s nowhere to run
Do you stand alone until you fade away
Or get some help to keep your demons at bay
What do you do when the fightin's not done
But you’re already home and there's nowhere to run
Do you stand alone until you fade away
Or get some help to keep your demons at bay