A nice place to fight in the summer
A nice place to fight in the winter
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
A charge of assault in the summer
A punch in the face in the winter
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
Buzzer Jam '99
Plymouth State
Laconia Bike Week
Hampton Beach
Epping Speedway
The Mount Washington Observatory
The Laconia State Park
Penuche's Ale House
Franconia Notch
Wyman Sand Pits
Broken bones everywhere
Do you like to fight?
They'll smash your fuckin' face in!
500 stitches every summer
A steel-toed boot up the ass
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting
New Hampshire's all right if you like fighting