'In The Rain'
Lyrics & Vocals By: Clarky
[Featuring: Hidden, Kross & Dismay]
Music Produced By: Uncle Bungle
Recorded By: Laid-Back Studios
00:00s - 00:33s -
00:33s - 01:16s
Verse 1: (Clarky)
...... Ahhhh!
..... I Hear Them Calling My Name ......
I Hear Them Talk Of Cautions
And-It's Awkward; As-I'm, Walking; Forwards; ...
...... Towards; The Fortune & Fame ......
And, I'm Sort-Of-Ashamed......
Cos It's Hard Ignoring; Warnings;
When They Taught You The Ways;
Of This Unfortunate Game...
...... The Extortionate Aims...
...... Shit...
...... Man, I Coulda Swore
They Been Talking For Days??
...... The, Same One's I Never Saw;
When-I, Fought For My Place ......
I Never Forced Them Away; ......
...... (Cunts)
But, Even AFTER Walking; -
-I, Guess-They, Thought I Would Stay?
...... And Of Course;
I Had, Ought To Be Drained
Cos You Know I'll Put My All-In;
Even When I'm Thwarted
And Caught In The Rain
Even When I'm Thwarted; And, Caught
Caught In The Rain
01:16s - 01:38s
Hook: (Kross)
01:38s - 02:22s
Verse 2: (Hidden)
02:22s - 02:43s
Hook: (Kross)
02:43s - 03:27s
Verse 3: (Dismay)
03:27s - 03:49s
Hook: (Kross)
03:49s - 04.33s
Hook/Outro: (Kross)