Wearin’ my striped shirt
Sittin’ on the stairs
Messin’ with your hair
Starin’ at me with a cigarette
In your mouth
Stop it, I say
Smokin’ me out
Stop it, I say
Leavin’ me down
Stop it, I say
Freakin’ me out
Stop it, I say
Runnin’ about
I won’t wait
I won’t wait
I won’t wait
It’s too late
Chills ran down my spine
As I remembered the time
When she asked me to stay
With the moon on her face
And the youth in your eyes
To the warmth of your breath
Yet I was chilled by the loneliness
Of which you left
Stop it, I say
Leavin’ me down
Stop it, I say
You’re all over town
Stop it, I say
Freakin’ me out
Stop it, I say
I ain’t got a doubt
In my mind
In my mind
All the time
All the time
Time spills from a clock
I wonder, shall I knock
On her cocoon with some roses
Even if it’s locked
Or do I wait for the day
When she’ll ask me to stay
Once again you’ll betray me
And I’ll push you away
Stop it, I say
Leavin’ me down
Stop it, I say
Just don’t make a sound
Stop it, I say
Runnin’ about
Stop it, I say
Ain’t got a doubt
In my mind
In my mind
All the time
All the time
Wearin’ my striped shirt
Sittin’ on the stairs
Messin’ with your hair
Starin’ at me with a cigarette
In your mouth x3