Hell Yeah
A battle rises
A battle spreads
A legend arise
A war stays
Demons attacking
Angels defend
Satan strikes
God cries
The trolls eat flesh
The chariots ahead
The legends skin
The warriors' attack begin
Storming a border
No boundaries here
Towering she feels
Welcoming and feed
These war don't cease
Don't cease nor stop
Walls of ringing horns
Horns blown by rings
North wind approaches
Satan under wathces
God above flays
His angels sent to death
No mercy after all
A coward they just saw
That sitiing on a throne
Sees his sons to drown
Got goose bumps
So fragile they arch foes
Trinity strikes out
Holy ones get black
Blood oh unholy blood
Flooding battlefield
We sing our songs
Of purely black souls
We laugh seeing them
Burned and skinned again
Dismembered one by one
By devil's purely wrath
The battle Heaven lost
We celebrate the most
Hell will always reign
Mankind to be ended.