So Right
Gabe Morales. K Heat..
Eh. Eh.. Cos, I`d tret
You so right.
So right..
I see you girl.. You
Make my heart
Pound. Cos to me your so
Hot.. Yeah, Yeah..
Shining just
Like a pearl.
You make the show stop.
Give me a shot right now.
Right now.
And we`ll go where no
One cares.
Run away.. Entro de
Mi, corazón
Cos you got my
My heart, going
I just want you
To know, just
Want you to
Know that I
Love you..
And I just want
You tu see, how
It would be with
You and me..
I` gonna treat you
So rigth, so rigth, so
I know he treats you
So wrong, so wrong,
So wrong..
I` gonna love you
So rigth, so rigth, so rigth.
I`I I love you so rigth.
Want you know
I` gonna treat you
So rigth.
I see the few, your
Sitting on top.
No on can
Touch us now,
Its like a different
World. You got me Starstruk..
We`ll never
Crashing down, down..
Away we go, where
No one cares.
Run away.. Entro de
mi, corazón
You got my
My heart, going
I just want you
To know, just
Want you to
Know that I
Love you..
And I just want
You to see, how
It would be with
You and me..
I` gonna treat you
So rigth, so rigth, so
I know he treats you
So wrong, so wrong,
So wrong..
I` gonna love you
So right, so right, so right.
I`I I love you so right.
I know he treats
You so wrong, so
Wrong, so wrong
And I`m gonna love
You so right, so
Right. Cos you got
Me sayin`
Got me sayin`..
I` gonna treat you
So rigth, so rigth, so
I know he treats you
So wrong, so wrong,
So wrong..
I` gonna love you
So right, so right, so right.
I`I I love you so right.
I` gonna treat you
So rigth, so rigth, so
I know he treats you
So wrong, so wrong,
So wrong..
I` gonna love you
So right, so right, so right.
I`I I love you so right.