Musica de Genius Brasil Traducoes del Genero: Lyrics Todos los artistas y cantantes de música de Lyrics son individuos talentosos y apasionados que dedican su vida a crear y compartir su arte con el mundo. Su música de Genius Brasil Traducoes tiene el poder de emocionarnos, inspirarnos y conectarnos a un nivel profundo. En este blog FoxMusicaDe, exploraremos el mundo de los artistas y cantantes de música del genero Lyrics, destacando su dedicación, creatividad y contribuciones a la cultura.
Los artistas y cantantes de música tienen la capacidad única de expresar sus emociones y experiencias a través de su voz y talento musical. A través de sus letras y melodías, nos llevan a un viaje emocional y nos permiten conectarnos con nuestras propias emociones.
Además de su talento musical, los artistas y cantantes son verdaderos profesionales en su campo. Trabajan arduamente para
Los artistas y cantantes de música también tienen una gran capacidad para adaptarse y reinventarse. Pueden explorar diferentes géneros musicales, colaborar con otros artistas y experimentar con nuevos sonidos. Esta flexibilidad les permite evolucionar y mantenerse relevantes en un mundo musical en constante cambio.
Además de su música, los artistas y cantantes también tienen una gran influencia en la sociedad. Utilizan su plataforma para abogar por causas importantes, como la igualdad, la justicia social y el cambio positivo. A menudo, se convierten en modelos a seguir para sus seguidores, inspirándolos a perseguir sus sueños y a creer en sí mismos.
Ser un artista o cantante de música no es solo una profesión, sino una forma de vida. Requiere pasión, dedicación y perseverancia. Aunque puede haber desafíos en el camino, los artistas y cantantes encuentran satisfacción en el hecho de que su música puede tocar la vida de las personas y dejar un impacto duradero.
En este blog, exploraremos más a fondo las historias de artistas y cantantes famosos, así como también brindaremos consejos y recursos para aquellos que están comenzando en la industria musical. También destacaremos la importancia de apoyar y valorar el trabajo de los artistas y cantantes, ya que su contribución es invaluable para la cultura y la sociedad.
En resumen, los artistas y cantantes de música son individuos talentosos y apasionados que nos brindan música inspiradora y significativa. Su dedicación, creatividad y contribuciones a la cultura merecen ser reconocidas y celebradas. Únete a nosotros en este emocionante viaje para explorar el mundo de los artistas y cantantes de música y descubrir el poder transformador de su arte.
te presentamos una lista de sus mejores exitos de Genius Brasil Traducoes mas escuchas y buscadas en internet: Niall Horan You And Me Traducao Em Portugues, Lil Yachty Slide Traducao Em Portugues, Lil Yachty Solo Steppin Crete Boy Traducao Em Portugues, Nicki Minaj All Things Go Traducao Em Portugues, 070 Shake Y Ken Carson Natural Habitat Traducao Em Portugues, 2pac Bomb First My Second Reply Ft Outlawz Traducao Em Portugues, Lil Yachty Reach The Sunshine Ft Daniel Caesar Traducao Em Portugues, Lil Yachty Running Out Of Time Ft Justine Skye Traducao Em Portugues, Nine Inch Nails Terrible Lie Traducao Em Portugues, 21 Savage Offset Y Metro Boomin Still Serving Traducao Em Portugues, Madonna Human Nature Mdna World Tour Live 2012 Traducao Em Portugues, Sinead Oconnor Never Get Old Traducao Em Portugues, 50 Cent Many Men Wish Death Traducao Em Portugues, Doechii Stanka Pooh Traducao Em Portugues, Tyler The Creator Balloon Ft Doechii Traducao Em Portugues, Madonna Imagine Live 2004 Traducao Em Portugues, Skrillex Aluna Y Kito Inhale Exhale Traducao Em Portugues, Sinead Oconnor Jerusalem Traducao Em Portugues, Slander Blackbear Y Bring Me The Horizon Wish I Could Forget Traducao Em Portugues, Madonna E Antonio Banderas Waltz For Eva And Che Traducao Em Portugues
It's the calm before the storm right here
Wait, how was I gonna start this off?
I forgot… oh yeah
That's an awfully hot coffee pot
Should I drop it on Donald Trump? Probably not
But that's all I got 'til I come up with a solid plot
Got a plan and now I gotta hatch it
Like a damn Apache with a tomahawk
I'ma walk inside a mosque on Ramadan
And say a prayer that every time **** talks
She gets her mou— ahh, I'ma stop
But we better give Obama props
'Cause what we got in office now's a kamikaze
That'll probably cause a nuclear holocaust
And while the drama pops
And he waits for shit to quiet down he'll just gas his plane up
And fly around 'til the bombing stops
Intensities heightened, tensions are risin'
Trump, when it comes to givin' a shit, you're stingy as I am
Except when it comes to havin' the balls to go against me, you hide 'em
'Cause you don't got the fuckin' nuts like an empty asylum
Racism's the only thing he's fantastic for
'Cause that's how he gets his fuckin' rocks off and he's orange
Yeah, sick tan
That's why he wants us to disband
'Cause he can not withstand
The fact we're not afraid of Trump
Fuck walkin' on egg shells, I came to stomp
That's why he keeps screamin', "Drain the swamp!"
'Cause he's in quicksand
It's like we take a step forwards, then backwards
But this is his form of distraction
Plus, he gets an enormous reaction
When he attacks the NFL so we focus on that in–
–stead of talkin' Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada
All these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather
Cause a Twitter storm with the Packers
Then says he wants to lower our taxes
Then who's gonna pay for his extravagant trips
Back and forth with his fam to his golf resorts and his mansions?
Same shit that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered
Then does it more
From his endorsement of Bannon
Support for the Klansmen
Tiki torches in hand for the soldier that's black
And comes home from Iraq
And is still told to go back to Africa
Fork and a dagger in this racist 94-year-old grandpa
Who keeps ignorin' our past historical, deplorable factors
Now if you're a black athlete, you're a spoiled little brat for
Tryna use your platform, or your stature
To try to give those a voice who don't have one
He says, "You're spittin' in the face of vets who fought for us, you bastards!"
Unless you're a POW who's tortured and battered
'Cause to him you're zeros
'Cause he don't like his war heroes captured
That's not disrespectin' the military
Fuck that, this is for Colin, ball up a fist!
And keep that shit balled like Donald the bitch!
"He's gonna get rid of all immigrants!"
"He's gonna build that thing up taller than this!"
Well, if he does build it, I hope it's rock solid with bricks
'Cause like him in politics, I'm usin' all of his tricks
'Cause I'm throwin' that piece of shit against the wall 'til it sticks
And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his
I'm drawing in the sand a line, you're either for or against
And if you can't decide who you like more and you're split
On who you should stand beside, I'll do it for you with this:
Fuck you!
The rest of America, stand up!
We love our military, and we love our country
But we fucking hate Trump!