"Greng Jai Please" lyrics Phum Viphurit Lyrics "Greng Jai Please"
Don't forget to read the rule
Looking for the elderly
Don't speak your mind so soon
Be weary of there heart
Then really take your seat
Let present the golden rule
This is call Greng Jai please
How many layers must I peel
Try to understand your calm
I should never speak your mind
To know exactly how you feel
Now you know the moral code
Welcome to society
Member of a land of smile
Be sure to brush your teeth
Given to receive and share
Recipe for harmony
Gotta sure you Greng jai please
You have enough to eat
Difficult question but the answer is there
Artificial compassion when you don't really care
Feel the enough of place
You say anything to save your face
This is how we all survive
What a time to be alive
How many layers must I peel
Try to understand your calm
To know exactly how you feel
Try to understand your calm
I should never really speak your mind