In god we trust Song Lyrics
In god we trust by Pillar For all the people of the world that don't understand
Just exactly what we have in this motherland
See fathers hands started up a masterplan
Without this land who knows where we'd be now
I thank God it's something I don't gotta to think about
Instead my thoughts are on the one who laid it on the line
In the meantime I think of those of your kind
And I wonder how you let things get so messed up in your mind (Just take a second how long have things been going on around you?)
Their the ones who even helped you have the right to argue.
Stop complaining
move along
Open your eyes
see whats going on
We need to get back to the ways of the days of old
One nation under God is divisable
This is for all the people
Let me hear you give a hollar
In God we Trust
In God we Trust
We stepin on a penny, nickle, dime and a dollar.
This is for all the people
Let me hear you give a hollar
In God we Trust
In God we Trust
We stepin on a penny, nickle, dime and a dollar.
Thee other day
I saw someone who knew someone else complaining
The want the motto
take off the benjimen franklen
They got a problem with
My god And I believe in it (They don't got a problem with the money spend it)
So offended for the words
God I trust the motto of this greatest nation
Not just a motto but something we truely believe (If you don't like it you can pack your bag and you can leave)
Stop complaining
move along
Open your eyes
see whats going on
We need to get back to the ways of the days of old
One nation under God is divisable
This is for all the people
Let me hear you give a hollar
In God we Trust
In God we Trust
We stepin on a penny, nickle, dime and a dollar.
This is for all the people
Let me hear you give a hollar
In God we Trust
In God we Trust
We stepin on a penny, nickle, dime and a dollar.
One nation under God is divisable