Tucked up tight against the bridge support
Unbelonging animal
The way I press against you in a worried bed
You wouldn't know I prayed tonight, I did
To a blinking thing
Balled up soundless in the piss and glass
Hiding from the engineer
Living in between the cracks
Why waste you?
Why waste me?
Cory going off about a winning hand
I am on the other side, the blood in both the legs is getting
Quiet as the Nyquil in the bottle Cory buried in the river-bank in June
Why waste you?
Think about it why waste me?
Crime is always there for you
Crime is always therе for m
Bring me a dollar for the wires
And I'll bring you somеthing close to being
Blinking all we are
Blinking all we chose
Why waste you and me when
Freedom can come close?