My best friend is an alien who visits me at night
He doesn't ever yell, and he doesn't ever fight
The planet that he comes from is a very peaceful place
You sure could learn a lot from those folks from outer space
Their planet is quite nice, and a very happy place
And every single alien has a happy smiling face
Some things are really cool, but he told me quite by chance
They hardly ever walk, instead they mostly dance
Yes, instead of normal walking when going down the street
They dance along their way to a happy alien beat
Another fact he told me is a fascinating thing
That aliens hardly speak, instead they mostly sing
And so up on their planet, they sing instead of speak
And dance instead of walking, I think that's really neat
And so right inside this album are some things he told to me
About their alien planet and how they like to be
They've tried to tell Earth grown-ups, they really really did
But the grown-ups don't believe them, and so now they're telling kids
And now boys and girls, I am pleased to introduce you to the aliens who will tell us about life on their planet
My name is Trog
My name is Gnupf
My name is Phrumph
My name is Chigoom
Together we are the aliens