He strolls from town to town
Gathering stories of grand renown
Peasants and kings and magical things
A seeker, dreaming true
Then by a crackling fire
He'll unwrap each tale to perchance inspire
You may think it strange, you may feel it change
He leaves that up to you
But if the mood's just right
With the proper amount of moonlight
The magic of the tale will last all night
His method's clear to see
Why can't we do it as easily?
Spinning a silver thread from a tear
A simple thing to do
If the mood's just right
With the proper amount of moonlight
The magic of the tale will last all night
Made up a blanket made of yarns
From the human heart
Stitch it up with love
And you're near done before you start
If the mood's just right
With the proper amount of moonlight
The magic of the tale will last all night
You cannot go wrong
With the proper amount of our song
The magic tale will last your whole life long