Red is the color of a cherry lollipop
Orange is any orange on a tree
Yellow is the color of a bag of lemon drops
Green is a piece of seaweed in the sea
Blue is the color of the sky in summertime
Indigo is a Siamese cat's eyes
Violet's the color of a pretty little flower
These are the colors of the rainbow skies
There is a beautiful land
Where all your dreams come true
It's all tied up in a rainbow
All shiny and new
But it's not easy to find
No matter what you do
It's not on top of a mountain
Or beneath the deep blue sea
Or in London zoo, or in Timbuktu
Or in Timbuk-three
And if you travelled the world from China to Peru
There's no beautiful land on the chart
An explorer could not begin
To discover it's origin
For the beautiful land is in
Your heart