[Verse 1]
See thon Arthur Henderson, heid bummer o' the workin' men
When war broke oot he pressed his suit an' ran tae catch the train
He signed a deal in London, nae mair strikes until the fightin's done
In Glesga toon thw word went roon', tak tent o' John Maclean
He said a bayonet, that's a weapon wi' a working man at either end
Betray your country, serve your class. Don't sign up for war my friend
Don't sign up for war
[Verse 2]
When they turned him oot o' Langside Hall, John stood up at the fountain
Whit he said was tailor-made tae magnify the friction
Ye patriots can roar and bawl, it's nought but braggarts fiction
The only war worth fightin' for is war against oppression
He said a bayonet, that's a weapon wi' a working man at either end
Betray your country, serve your class. Don't sign up for war my friend
Don't sign up for war
[Verse 3]
The polis wheeched him oot o' there and doon tae Queens Park station
They telt him plain, offend again an' we'll mak' ye rue the day, son
But Johnny didnae turn a hair, he ca'd for a demonstration
A mighty thrang ten thoosan strang turned oot against conscription
The next time that they came for him, John kent they meant the business
He didnae plea for mercy, he said gi'e me British justice
The justice that he ca'd for stunned many intae silence
When oot o' Hell the hammer fell, three years was the sentence
He said a bayonet, that's a weapon wi' a working man at either end
Betray your country, serve your class. Don't sign up for war my friend
Don't sign up for war
[Verse 4]
The clamour tae release Maclean reached fever pitch and mair, man
In a year an' a hauf they ca'd it aff, but Christ it taxed him sair, man
He came back auld afore his time, but he didnae seem tae care, man
Dae a' ye can, I'm still the wan wha'll cause ye tae beware, man
The last time they jailed Maclean he came gey close tae scunnert
Wi' a rubber hose pit up his nose they kept him swap suppert
Let him oot or keep him in, Red Clyde was ower blaistert
Ilk wey they turnt the Government was weel an' brawly gouthart
He said a bayonet, that's a weapon wi' a working man at either end
Betray your country, serve your class. Don't sign up for war my friend
Don't sign up for war
He said a bayonet, that's a weapon wi' a working man at either end
Betray your country, serve your class. Don't sign up for war my friend
Don't sign up for war