We love you more than we can say
We want you to know it every day
We love you, you can hear us cry
Our love so sweet will make us all high
Love in the morning
You can feel it in the night
And you know in your mind
It's gonna be all right
Dive deep, deep, deep into your mind
If you wanna find the gem of true love
You've gotta dive deep if you wanna find
All the good things you've ever thought
Could ever dream and ever think
Could ever be or not be
When I was just a little boy
I told my mother, I said "Mama, mama
I wanna grow up and be a wise old man"
And she looked at me tenderly
And she said "Son, you've gotta dive deep, deep
Into your mind and into your heart
If you wanna find the gem of true love"
From north to south, I cried loud with my mouth
I said "True love, true love, we're older
And one day a holy man, he came
And he said "Son, you've gotta dive deep, deep
Into your mind if you wanna find
The thing you've looked for"