[Nancy Priddy]
If your picture of a boss is a grey-haired patriarch, who is the very essence of the old school
And gives one the sense of institutional thinking
And who has the soothing attitude of an airline pilot
Don't work for an Aquarius
He is nobody's patriarch, has a built-in suspicion of institutions
And couldn't con you into feeling secure if his life or yours depended on it
But nevertheless, he'll bring another dimension to leadership
There will be no uniform of the day and very few formalities, but he'll expеct, and get, a day's work
If change doesn't throw you, and a boss who wеars shoulder-length hair and subscribes to underground newspapers doesn't make you feel insecure
This a working experience no one should miss
You will learn to deal with the unexpected
And to catch the quick pass, when he had called an end run
If you can do it, you'll always be ready for anything
[John Erwin]
You have a desk open in your firm
What you'd like is a crew cut, collar and tie young man
Who will fit in well with the Athletic Club set, and do some public relations good at the Young Republicans League
A very all-American kind of fellow, who thinks straight and shoot straight, like John Wayne
Don't hire an Aquarian
You wouldn't understand him
He's neither of this country, this world, or this time
This tomorrow's child, and he brings back the inspirations and ideas of tomorrow
He won't be on you about raises and bonuses because his needs are not essentially financial
But don't get too used to it, he'll be moving on soon
You see, he has to be him
But if he should stay, consider yourself flattered
How many bosses can say
Instead of a Christmas bonus, they gave a man himself
And he was grateful