[John Erwin]
I know you, Taurus
By the firm outline of your footprints
On the sands of time
By everything that stands strong
Enduring as the poet said
"The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"
I know you by all the solid things on which the world is built
The good earth, the bedrock of the sea
And all the great unbending trees
Taurus is the unshakeable, immovable body
Created to resist any forest that it refuses to allow
[Nancy Priddy]
I have seen you, Taurus
Waiting for your chance
With a patience that defies time
Letting everything come to you
Never seeming anxious
But when the moment was right, making the move
And sweeping up the gains in your sure, strong arms
[Michael Bell]
I have heard you, Taurus
Measuring your words
Talking your way into the real heart of the matter
Getting things on your own terms
Moving with a steady, straight-ahead motion
Easy-going, but inevitable
The full-bodied bull
Who can charge while standing still
[John Erwin]
Taurus, your word is "stable"
From the latin, "stabilis"
Meaning, "steadfast"