[Nancy Priddy - First season]
Gemini begins life in a hurry, as if he was shot out of a cannon
Make that two cannons
Seek him in heaven, seek him in hell, the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel
Well, wherever he turns up you can be sure he'll be checking everything out
His compulsion is to know what everything is all about
When he finally stops his frantic rush for a moment, his tongue begins and out comes the whole story of what he's seen, and learned, and all the details
The Twin loves to investigate and communicate
He has two hands, and gets the maximum performance from each
He might even have two brains, because his thought process never seems to sleep
The thing he has to make the world accept, is that he can do more than one thing at a time
And do it well
[Michael Bell - Second season]
In his second season, the Twin takes off in a great hurry
To see a great many places
And do a great many things
Often, too many
It's difficult to relate to one thing, when you can appreciate so many
So Gemini finds himself establishing a touch and go pattern
Where life is merely sampled, or tasted, without actually being assimilated
Variety may be the spice of life, but too many spices can play havoc with the digestion
[John Erwin - Third season]
In the third season
The Twin, who has matured discovers the value of special achievement
The many facets of his his talent take form, and a complete picture emerges
The intellect deepens and comes to grips with problems on a more significant basis
It is then this native makes his most important contribution
And communicates the worth of knowledge and experience in its most active form
[Nancy Priddy - Fourth season]
In his last season
Gemini, surrounded by his books, his interests, his family and a host of reverential friends, can take satisfaction in a life of many accomplishments
He will always have something in the enormous store of his mind and his reference to offer all who come within his circle
For Gemini, man and woman alike, to become is to inspire and influence
Theirs is that sense of fulfillment that comes from having made the world more aware than it was before they came along