[Nancy Priddy]
If work is something that should be fun, and nothing to get uptight about
If you have a fatalistic attitude that says
"If it works out, great!
If not, better luck next time"
Don't work for a virgo
He runs a tight ship with a sober crew
And he sails by effort, not by luck
You won't ever be able to lose yourself in the crowd and slide by
His eyes were made for detail
He'll know everything about your job, and how you're doing it
To him, the executive chair is a hot seat
He's not quite at ease, which makes his careful, virgin nature even more so
But if you can live with a rigid situation, and a perfectionist head man
You'll always be very fairly rewarded
Just don't whistle while you work
[John Erwin]
If there's an opening in your firm, and you're looking for a back-slapping, eye-winking yes man who likes to swap gags, do the cocktail thing with the boys, and who will really liven up the old place
Don't hire a Virgo
He comes to work
And if you get him, you've got the jewel
He thrives on detail, will be the first one there, and the last to leave
Your secretary will be safe, and so will the company
He'll provide the answers, and keep everybody's feet on the ground
Virgo won't push you for the raise of the bonus
He just wants a fair shake and enough work to keep him busy
Also, he isn't after your job
He doesn't want to be leading
He just wants to be effective
And he won't whistle while he works