[Karen at Rich Daddy's door]
[Rich Daddy]
What up Karen?
What are you doing?
[Rich Daddy]
What are you talkin' about Karen? I’m just chillin'
What what chill. you're huh?
[Rich Daddy]
I’m just kickin' it Karen
What? What is all these cars? you have 8 cars out on the lawn?
[Rich Daddy]
8 of em'
[Rich Daddy]
Yeah but you see what they is'
You see what they is'
What no I
[Rich Daddy]
Yeah they fresh'
Oh so you can park em' just cuz' all you got nice cars
[Rich Daddy]
Look sideways they lined up like a’ horizon
What? what the hell does?
[Rich Daddy]
Look you look sideways right now
Look look Karen
Look side. I’m lookin' straight at ya’
You know what this is unacceptable
I'll tell you what
[Rich Daddy]
Uh huh
[Rich Daddy]
Look alright I'm out Karen
Yep uh huh we'll see
I can’t believe him