Putrid, dilated cervix rejects
Bloated sack of foetid pulp
Defecated once again
Spawned anew to decompose
Remove the foreskin shroud
Cosmic Mohel tears the dermis
Reborn into ritualistic being
Incomplete mind and phallus
Sentient lurking afterbirth
Unraped virgin dimensions
Screaming columns show the path
Towering mass of living meat
Unhuman lamps with weeping scars
Bow down in deference
Baptised in Khaz'neh's bowel
Anointed with menstrual blood
Bathed in the creator's seed
Unloved by his congregants
Defiled by this sacred lust
Devotion is renounced
Seek out unholy matriarch
Retreat into the solar womb
Stitch shut gateway of light
Stillborn zygote, aborted life
Self devouring virus
Self righteous sycophant
Self destructing automaton
Ad infinitum