Lets come together to stop the violence
God dont like ugly, the fountain of the living waters
Are starring down from the above, with waterfalls on his face
This are troubled waters, in advance turn vices of murder
I despise this sayin, humans are genetically predisposed to kill each other
This common multiple killings are mostly black on black crime
Or a white person killing a black person
That ain't far fetched, we black people wе are given to sadism or a callous lack of empathy
Nеither visceral empathy
Our hearts are cold and dark like we mere animals
We true offenders of human life
We violate our own, we habitants of genocide and homicide
The only place theres no exception,for a star
Is on the gang culture
Lets come together to stop the violence
War crimes and other atrocities, usually occurs under conditions of civil wars
Enemy of the state, state official permissions
Political disruptions greed and the crave for power
Perpetrators of atrocities are always motivated
By so called religions of theirs, to commit this mass murders
This is what is called religious violence
This tribal religions separate people
The motives of the attacker, are mostly driven by religious ethnic animosities
And they are cruel
The deep dislike of non nationals,of the recipient state
Have led to mass killings among black people
I am talking xenophobia, wars for geographical power
Has claimed many lives, gang banging worse, it is the devil's sword
Lets come together to stop the violence
Bury the hatchet for Gods wrath is written
I will repay, thats the words of the master
Vengeance is only for him lets stop killing each other over petty issues
It ain't voile, though they say justice is found in uncommon places
It is only justice if it is found on uncommon places
It is only justice if it comes from the most high
Theres no justice even in the courtrooms
Courtrooms have no regard for human life, neither the streets
Let's leave justice and revenge to the most high
For the Lord himself will not acquit the guilty
Dear the tempest tossed ,hitmen, revenge seekers
Hellbenders, ritual killers, gang killers
And political killers, lay down your swords knives and guns
Lets come together to stop the violence