Lankin was the finest mason who ever laid a stone
He built a Lord's castle, but for payment got none
So he built it without, and he built it within
And he made a false window for himself to get in
Says mylord to mylady as he mounted his horse
“Beware of Long Lankin that lives in the moss.”
Says mylord to mylady as he went on his way
“Beware of Long Lankin that lives in the hay.”
“See the doors are all bolted, see the windows all pinned
And leave not a hole for a mouse to creep in.”
Oh, the doors were all bolted, oh, thе windows were pinned
But onе little window that Long Lankin crept in
“Where's the lord of this household?” cries Long Lankin
“He's away up to London,” says the false nurse to him
“Where's the little lord of the household?” cries Long Lankin
“He's asleep in his cradle,” says the false nurse to him
“We'll prick him and we'll prick him all over with a pin
And that'll make mylady to come down to him.”
So they pinched him and they pricked him all over with a pin
And the false nurse held the basin for the blood to flow in
“Oh nurse how you slumber, oh nurse how you sleep
You leave my little son, Johnson to cry and to weep.”
“Oh nurse how you slumber, oh nurse how you snore
You leave my little son Johnson to cry and to roar.”
"I have tried him with apples, and I have tried him with pears
Come down my dear lady, and nurse him in your chest."
“Oh, I tried him with the milk and I've tried him with the pap
Come down, my pretty lady, and rock him in your lap.”
“How can I come down in the dead of the night
When there's no candles burning nor no moon to give light?”
“You have three silver candles all light as the sun
Come down, my pretty lady, all by the light of one.”
So my lady came downstairs, she was fearing no harm
Long Lankin stood ready for to catch her in his arm
"Oh spare me Long Lankin, spare me but one day
You shall have as much gold, as you can carry away."
"Oh spare me Long Lankin, spare me but one hour
You can have my daughter Betsy, she's a fair, tender flower."
"Oh where's your daughter, Betsy, she may do some good
And she can hold the basin to catch your life's blood."
Lady Betsy sat watching that cold winter's night
Saw her father coming home, with his men at daylight
"Of father, oh father, what took you so long?
Your lady is murdered, and your own darling son."
There's blood in the kitchen, there's blood in the hall
But the blood of my mother is the worst blood of all
Long Lankin was hung on a gibbet so high
And the false nurse was burned in the fire close by