Lustful demons haunt Loudun
Raping the Ursuline nuns
Iscaaro and Belaam
Possess their souls until they're damned
Invading all the monastery
Joined by Asmodeus
Cedon, Uriel
Lick their virgin cunts
Urbain Grandier, the abbe
For the rapings he is blamed
Found guilty by the inquisition
He's prepared for execution
Tortured beyond pain
The devil's mark is searched in vain
They'll lick his blood wounds
The demons of Loudun
Bleed and burn for Satan, the king of blasphemy
For your curse will plague them all eternally
"I damn you all, O priests of lesser faith
Repent, Lactantius, You'll die within a night"
One by one they fell into the pits of hell
Forever they'll be burnt by the demons of Loudun