A guiding principle. Brume, a lantern cleaving the gloom
A lone star craving for a place in a constellation
Once, I asked a friend to read my palms. She said:
"You will experience something picturesque"
Then, I set the sight beyond the roofs of the neighborhood
And in the blink of an eye I felt my soul converge with the azure heights
A dream, naif, I could envision it whole:
My world
The view from the window was
Good: Orion, Ursa Major, the Bull
Good halcyon days, when I could not think
Just fantasise when night and day meet
The more I wonder, the more I shrink
Oh, beloved nymph, tease me
Out of thought
Is this the life I used to dream of or...
...Am I venturing into the recondite parts of my mind?
The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike