So you write the guy off
So the family is through
And there's no happy endings
For people like you
Stick around
Never know what the day will bring you
Stick around
Though you sometimes may wonder why
Life's a trip
People change who you least expected
You were strangers, now you're connected
Hey who knows, maybe pigs can fly
Stick around
It may all go to hell tomorrow
Hold your ground
You have more than you think to show
And he said out loud
That I made him proud
Who's to say how close we could grow?
So stick around
'Cause you never know
Stick around
Though this sure as hell ain't Tahiti
Stick around
For the whole rollercoaster ride
Stick around
When you're in it for life, you're in it
And it all goes by in a minute
Fifty years you don't toss aside
Stick around
'Cause your family is all that matters
Stick around
He ain't easy but even so
And there's still that thrill
When you watch him kill
Makes it worth all the crap and so
You stick around
'Cause you never know
Look at us
All together alive and kicking
Still the kids
Doesn't matter how old we grow
We're still Abe and Stan
Back where we began
And they're all still Uncle Moe
Stick around
'Cause you never know
One day you feel like you've been forgotten
Lower than gum under someone's shoe
But hey pal, you can't have been all that rotten
When you've got this crew of people
Who have stuck around with you
Stick around
It turns out you're not done and finished
Stick around
Take a lap on the open track
Stick around
Life can still come through with a shocker
Even when you're an alte kaker
I was dead but now look who's back!
Stick around
Don't you leave while the band's still playing
Ride it out
Who knows which way the wind will blow?
Take the nickel tour
Who can say for sure
They're sure how their life will go?
Stick around
Stick around
Stick around
'Cause you never know