I was raised by a man
Who was good to me
He loved me like his own son
Guiding and providing for me
He told me I should dream
My godfather’s faith and belief in me
Assured me I can succeed
So I studied with care
Worked hard to prepare
For the life that was my dream
The parish I was promised
Is a most delightful place
The church, the house and garden there
Are full of charm and grace
The people of the village
Work hard to make a life
I should have been the one
To ease their strife
But the life I was meant to have
Never came to pass
I tried to make my way among
The men within my class
I will follow a road hoping to redeem
A life worthy and good
So one day a wife whom I can esteem
Can stand by my side
And share in my dream
To live a good life
Is my dream!