Give me love'o give me vibes yeah
Give me love'o give me vibes
Give me love'o give me vibes
Give me vibes oh Give me love
Give me love'o give me vibes yeah
Give me vibes yeah give me love
Give me love give me vibes
Oh give me vibes oh give me love
Welcome, it's the beginning of the end of days
Tell my people at the bottom do not be afraid
Instead gain courage, unify, stand together
Fight fire with fire
See, it's easier for black people in the United States of America
To come together and fight for one cause
And it's harder for people in Africa to do that because we are divided
There's tribalism
I believe that
"I'm zulu I can't fight for a xhosa"
But if we're unifying and fighting for one cause
Why the fuck not you know?
So people really need to look into themselves
If they are really trying to get change It all begins with you man
It's all inside naa-mean?
Listen to all this shit
There's like messages in here encrypted to like you know
Overthrow the powers that be
Nam'sayin take the power back
Most of us love to hate which makes it easier for us to hate love