Moving on
Has never been so hard
I feel I’ll have to rot here
Without your presence
Without your love
Show me what divine gifts come from above
Not another day
Another day of anger
Another day of fear
With whom shall I be?
For whom shall I fear?
When will things get a little brighter
Right now things aren’t getting easier
I’ll never be the same, the same again
This life’s not the same without you
I wish you would take this anchor off my feet
Swim through the deep and set me free
The trials and hardships
Are only getting harder
Some say that trials help teach you
But I say otherwise
I swear I’ll break if I’m not set free
I’ll drown down here
In this wretched abyss
I’m about to break
I’ve lost sight of the sun’s light
Hear my call and save me from the depths
Down here, no one hears me
I’ve called and no one’s come to rescue me
I should just give up
I’ll just give up and suffocate
Oh, deep waters, take me
Put me to sleep