You see it in their eyes, you feel it in their hands
Look beyond, behind, and see their memories, they see you
That's where it is, that's where it is, that's where the love is
And on the blackest day, when it all gets stripped away
In that warmest touch from a stranger, so much to give back
That's where it is, that's where it is, that's where the love is
Open your heart and tell me what do you do
That you can say that it makes difference
That you can say it matters
Open your door and say it I'll give it all away
And mean it, and let them in
Let them all in even on the most heavy day
Even on the most heavy day
(Time taken to reach out
Time taken to break the cycle
Time taken to give back
Time taken to make it more than just another heavy day)
If you wonder what it is you, you'll see that everyone does
If you let em in then you, you'll take it with you
And each thank you is a line around your neck
A bright red line to follow when the rest of the world is getting dark
A bright red line to follow when the rest of the world is getting dark