They're Hatin'
Rolling In the eyes
Never There to try
Only Be there to fight
They're Sayin'
All The stuff aren't good
Not Knowing what is true
Just Be there to judge
Never Care about the same old lies
As Long as they are there to high
Nothing Really matters till they feel
They're Running
Tryin' To look for something
That Ain't true
Cause They're afraid of reality
They're Thinkin'
All This black and white
When Everything is fired
With Color of the world
Never Care about the same old lies
As Long as they are there to high
Nothing Really matters till they feel
You Know that we are all the same
There's Nothing to be ashamed
Cause In the end
There's Nothing to be shade cause baby
We're All the same
And Nothing's changed
For Better phase
The World was never changed
It Only stay in the lane
But Baby we're the one who shake
Cause We are never gonna stay
And Nothing ever gonna stay