Unseen.. embodiment born from the womb of eternity
Drifting.. unbridled creator, disperser of destiny
Dreaming.. a consciousness greater than any divinity
Eye of the pure
The purest of thought
Eye of the infinite
Creation through excretion
Molecular completion
Boundless in its reach and its possibilities
All encompassing
Eye of the pure
The purest of thought
Eye of the infinite
From a shapeless void
A lightless realm
Came souls, obscured
Nascent.. pervading the empty with staggering magnitude
Impregnating the darkness with seeds of resilience
Metempsychosis.. traverse the beckoning dearth
Scouring the multiverse
Specter of light
The brightest of minds
Bore the immaculate
Creation through upheaval
Ethereal, primeval
Eternity becomes as the silence is undone
The potency of one
The giving of sight
To open the eyes
Eyes of the ignorant
And from the shapeless void
A soul, obscured
Grew restless with his given form