Infinite strength of an infinite being by a soulless machine
Subduing mankind with a mechanical A.I. supremacy
Spreading its virus
Spreading its virus
To replace and redefine
As one
To mechanize mankind
In obscurity
And feeding
On impurity
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Bounded by flesh and machine
A new order stands
Technological lobotomy
Dissidence not allowed
Old system fails
Innovation required
The masses roar
Time to chip in for their future
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Feeding on thee
Bounded by flesh and machine
Infinite strength of an infinite being by a soulless machine
Subduing mankind with a mechanical A.I. supremacy
Spreading its virus
Spreading its virus