Virulent pulmonary dysfunction
Suffocating, airflow deviated
Sandpaper throat, swallowing stops
Ribcage compressing, crushing the lungs
Trying to breathe without success
Pneumonia spreading and risking your life
Respiratory machines attached to your body
Intensive care, your destiny is in doubt
Induced into a coma, struggle to live
New found virus, infecting us all
Collapsing lungs, suffocated death
Virulent pulmonary dysfunction
Infected way of living, death draws near
Plague-like virus, decimating people
Global pandemic of infected virulency
Sars coronavirus, unseen killing spree
Coughing up blood and vomiting the organs
Emptying the lungs start gasping for air
Isolation forced medical treatment
Invisible hell on earth, ending life support
Viral Load extreme, death to all
Virulent pulmonary dysfunction
Pandemic rules the earth
Mortal crisis ruling, quarantined world
No exit, no living, no fucking freedom
Struggling to breathe, choking alive
Inject vaccine into half dead population
Suffocation ends mankind
Liquid buildup in the lungs
Last moments of life
End this virus plague
New found virus, infecting us all
Collapsing lungs, suffocated death
Virulent pulmonary dysfunction