Don't wake up tonight
Tried hard to be so quiet
Snuffed the candle from every end
Skipped the loud steps but then, couldn't stick the landing again
So we talked for a while
About queues and taxes yet to file
It'll get us through the boring drives
Or when we're walking around, just half of the time
When we're old enough
We'll absorb these subtle lines
Then we'll know еnough
About your complex genetic linеs
You and I
Once contemplated coastal life
Then we hid it like plan for a crime
Well I think back as you react, to the bites of sandflies
Now we're old enough
To absorb these subtle lines
And we know enough
About your complex genetic lines
Facing the ravages of time
You'll coax me East, I you West
Crisscrossing this grand divide
One day they'll fossilize our bones and harvest us
For pennies on my Dad's mineral rights
For what it's worth there is time to decide
Let's keep crisscrossing this divide
For what it's worth there is time to decide
Let's keep crisscrossing this divide