Steve laughs at your jokes
Steve laughs at your jokes
Steve laughs at your jokes
Steve, he laughs at your jokes
Sometimes he laughs loud
Sometimes he laughs soft
Sometimes he doesn't laugh at all
Steve, that's because he's asleep
Steve: Hey Clark, how's it goin'?
Clark: Good
Steve: Got any jokes?
Clark: Sure, I have lots of 'em
Steve: OK
Clark: Never run out
Steve: (laughs) OK, wanna tell me one?
Clark: Ummm, sure. How 'bout the one about the tie and the hat?
Steve: OK, how's that go?
Clark: What did the tie say to the hat?
Steve: I don't know. I don't know what the tie said to the hat
Clark: You go on ahead, and I'll just hang around, buddy
Steve: (laughs)
Clark: That really cracked you up, didn't it?
Steve: (laughs more)
Steve laughs at your jokes
Steve laughs at your jokes
Steve laughs at your jokes
Steve, he laughs at your jokes