Narrator: Meanwhile, on the planet Mars...
Alien 1: Glixol, what's up?!
Glixol: (speaks alien language)
Alien 1: Oh, I'm OK. Actually, I'm setting up for the big Earthling landing today and I'm really busy.
Glixol: (speaks alien language)
Alien 1: Oh yeah, it's gonna be great. There's gonna be a band, and refreshments, and if we're lucky the Earthlings are gonna bring some peanut butter and fluff!
Glixol: (speaks alien language)
Announcer: Attention! Attention, everyone pleasе! We've just picked up thе Earthlings' ship on radar and they are currently hurtling out of control towards Landing Pad 6.
Crowd: (concerned noises)
Announcer: Oh. Everybody? This is Landing Pad 6. Well, get to your places, and ... and hurry! We don't have much time!