PEGGY, CONNIE, HILTON COUNSEL, SMITTY all seated, DON and KURT both standing, DON leading the pitch
DON: Rome, Tehran, Tokyo are magnificent destinations. And that's really been the focus of almost every campaign you've had up till now-- How to lure the american traveler abroad. What more do we need than a picture of Athens To get our hearts racing? And yet the average american experiences a level of luxury that belongs only to kings in most of the world. We're not chauvinists, We just have expectations.
Heads nod around the room, CONNIE remains still.
DON (cont’d): Well, now there's one word that promises the thrill of international travel With the comfort of home: "Hilton.
KURT removes cover from the advertising board, revealing a poster saying: "How do you say ice water in Italian? Hilton."
How do you say ice water in Italian? 'Hilton.
KURT turns to the next poster, saying: "How do you say fresh towels in Farsi? Hilton."
'How do you say fresh towels in Farsi? 'Hilton.
KURT turns to the next poster, saying: "How do you say hamburger in Japanese? Hilton."
'How do you say hamburger in Japanese? 'Hilton. Hilton. It's the same in every language.
CONNIE: Maybe fried chicken. I don't like the sound of "hamburger" and “hilton. Besides, "hamburger" is already a foreign word.
DON: We’ll see. (DON laughs, smiles emerge around the room)
CONNIE: It’s good. Very good. It's clever, yet friendly. It draws you in. But what about the moon?
DON: Excuse me?
CONNIE: There’s nothing about the moon.
DON: Well, right now, that's not an actual destination.
CONNIE: That wasn't the point. I said i wanted hilton on the moon. I couldn't have been more clear about it.
DON: Well I'll admit i misunderstood that. I'm sure there's a way to fit that into this.
Everyone is silent, CONNIE maintains eye contact with DON while looking disappointed, but smiles
CONNIE: Well, isn't this something? I'd like to speak with don in private.
DON: This is a good campaign-- One of the best. It's modern, it's witty, it's eye-catching. It will change your business.
CONNIE: Calm down. I'm going to speak very honestly with you. I don't think folks do that often. Probably scared.
DON: Or they trust my work.
CONNIE: You want me to just say yes to everything you do?
DON: Most ad-men believe That clients are the thing that gets in the way of good work. I've never experienced that.
CONNIE: You did not give me what i wanted. I'm deeply disappointed, Don.
DON: This is a great campaign.
CONNIE: Fine. What do you want from me? Love? Your work is good.
CONNIE stands, doing up his suit button and looks down at DON.
CONNIE (cont'd): But when i say i want the moon, I expect the moon.