[Verse 1]
Glory, glory to the lord
- the Lord Archbishop Whitgift
Glory to the lord in the highest…
Position in the Church (except for the Queen)
Glory to the lord of lords
- the Lord Archbishop Whitgift
Rejoice, rejoice in the lamb!
The lamb served by the Archbishop
To his guests for dinner
At his palace in Lambeth
Rejoice, rejoice in the lamb!
And beef and pork and swan pie
[Verse 2]
Praise him, praise be to the lord
- the Lord Archbishop Whitgift
And thereby may he deliver
Unto us his eternal gracе and favour
Praise him, praise be to thе lord
- our Lord Archbishop Whitgift
[Verse 3]
Fear him! Sinners fear the lord
- our Lord Archbishop Whitgift
Ye priests who have brought
Scandal and shame upon the Church
Fear him! Sinners fear the lord
- your Lord Archbishop Whitgift
[Verse 4]
Save us! Save us almighty lord
Save us from the wrath of God
Upon us he has wrought His vengeance:
Pestilence and death across the land
O lord, have a word with God
(Forsooth is that not your job?)