Verse I
Grandma I remember Christmas at your house
& the first time you met my spouse
G for the Goodness
R for the Ruthless
A is your Authenticity
How special you treated me
N is you nurturing nutrition
D is for fixing diabolical decisions
Grandma you taught me tradition and how to pray
To keep my position & what to say
My childhood is filled with every
Kindhearted, dear, and nice memory
Verse II
Nana no one could take your place
With every sorrow you made me face
M is how you motivated
O is for Objections
T is for the Truth and discretion
H is for Honesty
E is for everywhere she must be
R is for the Reliability
Grandma you taught me tradition and how to pray
To keep my position & what to say
My childhood is filled with every
Kindhearted, dear, and nice memory
Verse III
G for the Goodness
R for the Ruthless
A is your Authenticity
How special you treated me
N is you nurturing nutrition
D is for fixing diabolical decisions
M is how you motivated
O is for Objections
T is for the Truth and discretion
H is for Honesty
E is for everywhere she must be
R is for the Reliability