There was once a time when I could stand here on my own
There was once a time when I didn't know I needed you
All of this, came unexpected and unforseen as a gift of destiny
Self absorbed with my own neglectful thoughts, it took some time for me to notice what was going on
What was growing inside of me was a newborn feeling so pure and so strong
You are my strength and my weaknesses
Wherever we go, together we ovеrcome every obstaclе
I am your strength and your weaknesses
Wherever we go, wherever we are we stand together
Now I'm in a time where I have you here by my side
Now I'm in a time where you are the most precious thing
Through this path, we walk hand in hand, it was unforseen as a gift of destiny
All the hurdles that we had to face alone, seem now so distant on a long forgotten road
What has grown inside both of us is, a mutual feeling so pure and so strong
You are my strength and my weaknesses
Wherever we go, together we overcome every obstacle
I am your strength and your weaknesses
Wherever we go, wherever we are we stand together
You are my strength, you are my weaknesses
Wherever we go, wherever we are
I am your strength, I am your weaknesses
Wherever we go, wherever we are
We stand together