In our air-conditioned, patent-leather farmhouse
On our ultramodern, scientific farm
We'll live in a streamlined heaven
And we'll waste no time on charm
No geraniums to clutter our veranda
Or a single little sentimental thing
No Virginia creepers, nothing useless
[MELISSA, spoken]
Harry would make a perfectly respectable husband
Lord know he's been patient with you
It'd serve you right if he up and married that McCaskey girl instead of you
And I almost hope he does
[MARGY, spoken]
Me too
[MELISSA, spoken]
Oh, Margy
You know Harry's not gonna wait around forever
[MARGY, spoken]
I promised Harry an answer after the fair
[MELISSA, spoken]
[MARGY, spoken]
Three days
How am I supposed to decide the rest of my life in three days?
There's so much I haven't done yet
So much I haven't seen
I keep wishing I were somewhere else
Walking down a strange new street
Hearing words that I have never heard
From a man I've yet to meet
He would be a kind of handsome combination
Of Ronald Colman, Charles Boyer and Bing