I wrote a song about some of my relatives using their first name
One of them died recently in Florida and she was 99 years old
99 in the song is in no reference to the membership where I was a Safety & Educational Officer for the Dallas Chapter of the Ninety-Nines.org
Why, we were one of a kind
As if I Travelled well through time
Oh my how our house under the stars doеs shine
Forevеr will you be mine?
Let me tell you how 99 is
Where the Heavens opened so fine
If anything would do
It’s the photo album & tape
Moments like these, I cannot find
Anywhere else but this Pearson
Family of mine
Forever will you be mine?
Why, we were one of a kind
As if I Travelled well through time
Oh my how our house under the stars does shine
Forever will you be mine?
Just like a fallen angel came to
Earth to spread it’s wings
You taught me to appreciate
Counting my blessings
Where somehow our paths Noble
To the utmost High
I, fold my napkin after every glass
Of wine
Moments like these, I cannot find
Anywhere else but this Pearson
Family of mine
Forever will you be mine?
Why, we were one of a kind
As if Travelled well through time
Oh my how our house
Under the stars does shine
Forever will you be mine?