Oh, we hope you're enjoying your cheeseburgers or chili
This song is, oh, so lovely, but it might get kind of silly
A wak a wak a wiggly wak
A woogily woogily woo
Oh, everybody's eating, and everybody's happy
Bobgoblin's happy too
And so his fingers might get snappy
And his feet, they might get tappy
And Bobgoblin might get sappy
I love lunch!
Oh, we hope you're enjoying your cheeseburgers or chili
This song is, oh, so lovely, but it might get kind of silly
A wak a wak a wiggly wak
A woogily woogily woo?
A dippity doppity flipping floppity
Shoobity dibbity doo!
Oh, everybody's eating, and everybody's happy
Gina Giant's happy too
And so her fingers might get snappy
And her feet, they might get tappy
And my ears, they might get flappy
Sounds like everybody's having fun
Okay, now everybody!
We are all enjoying our cheeseburgers or chili
This song is, oh, so lovely, but it might get kind of silly
A wak a wak a wiggly wak
A woogily woogily woo
This restaurant is charming, you wouldn't call it fancy
And now we'll have some fun
Because this party's getting dancy