You all are children of depression
Brought up by fruits of senility
Grinding your teeth you’re watching as the mighty falls
The triumph of the exhausted
And now I see you
These loathsome grimaces merge into single laughter
You’re rolling down to the verge of agony
And standing on the brink of despair
You birth the void, devouring light
Fetters of oppression twin around my wrists
And all your fears are embodied in me
Blind crowd doesn’t see those verges
That I feel that the world keeps inside
You’ll never reach the cleansing of your souls
Only sound of insanity resounds in your head
And your lives don’t cost even the grain of mine
Cast me into the dungeon
And Imprison under thousands of locks
These all is the end to you
But to me it’s the beginning
My mind is endless
I see the universe inside out
I traced remains in the eternity
You call it felony
Eternal fright in your eyes
I see myself in it
I am your decease
You’re feeble in the face of my origin
Destroying the light, you’re drowning in dark
Lonely breed, swallowing dust of time
Will never arrive at the gospel’s truth
You will devour each other in the end
Taking your loneliness in your fucking graves
Eternal void will take you inside, take you inside itself, you fucking cowards
And only then the light will shed on the face of eternity