[Verse 1]
Stumbled out the gates in a race with time
The dashboard gauge is flashing and falling toward “E”
My phone’s battery
Drips to one percent, I’m spent
Like my last two cents went to last month’s rent
But tonight the turnpike holds me tight
It’s the pocket of sun after shadow’s numb
The silent speck in the city’s buzz
The sudden reprieve when I start to believe
Every second of life doesn’t have to be so bleak
[Verse 2]
Am I awake, asleep, or stuck between
The smoke and fog
An internal monologue eternally cycles on repeat
If I consumed less, would the voice inside my head
Skip a beat and take a rest, and restore a calming sense
Tranquility, baked into a momentary peace
It’s the pocket of sun after shadow’s numb
The silent speck in the city’s buzz
The sudden reprieve when I start to believe
Every second of life doesn’t have to be so bleak
[Verse 3]
Take in the breeze for the first time
Release the weight of a lifetime
It’s only temporary
But I’m running barefoot through the backyard
Don’t feel a thing
No harmful thoughts, only silver linings
When you’re not lost in the past
Or drifting off to what’s next
You’ll find a second to breathe
‘Cause everything doesn’t have to be
So bleak