Guess I’m leaving...
On a two o clock plane to you
Said you’d meet me
Beyond Spaulding Avenue
Looking way lost
Like a goth girl at a 90's rave
Just an alt chic, who takes no shit
Fed up listening how she should behave
Meet me on Melrose
I’ll be sipping my coffee black
Meet me on Melrose
Just a palm tree and a wild cat
Am I dreaming?
Where board shorts are the morning prayer
Nosferatu, driving dads coupe
A film noir ending in despair
See them staring
The devils hungry for the kill
I get my kicks, from guitar licks
Hunt the moon child for the thrill
Meet me on Melrose
I’ll be sipping my coffee black
Meet me on Melrose
Just a palm tree and a wild cat
Nuestra caída será nuestro egoísmo
(Our downfall will be our selfishness)
Debemos levantarnos y luchar
(We must stand up and fight)
Cuidado, alma oscura, tus mentiras te alcanzarán al final
(Beware dark soul, your lies will catch up with you in the end.)
Meet me on Melrose
I’ll be sipping my coffee black
Meet me on Melrose
Just a palm tree and a wild cat
Debemos levantarnos y luchar
(We must stand up and fight)
Confía en la bondad de los demás
(Trust in the goodness of one another)
El diablo se ríe mientras nosi ahogamos
(The devil laughs as we drown)
Sin amor, no somos nada
(Without love, we are nothing)